Our infrastructure usually takes the weight of servicing our needs without complaints. Understanding the real condition of infrastructure will ensure future structural health and safety which allows you to optimize financial resources for your predictive maintenance strategy.

Amberg Inspection is a comprehensive image-based tunnel inspection solution for planning, managing, capturing, and reporting on visual tunnel surface conditions. 

Amberg Infra 7D provides high efficiency maintenance services for your infrastructure thanks to innovative 3D data capture technologies and artificial intelligence within our web platform - Amberg Inspection Cloud. We combine the know-how and experience of more than 50 years of inspection with the latest digital tools and workflows to reduce on-site inspection time and maximize the availability of your infrastructure.

  • Automated data collection and processing 
  • High quality infrastructure inspection including trend analysis.
  • An online dashboard style presentation of the results

Interested in our Inspection Services?

Let us support you in managing your infrastructure asset data and establishing a solid basis for economic long-term strategies.

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  • Project preparation in Amberg Tunnel desktop software
  • Import standard images or images captured from tunnel inspections vehicles
  • Customisable inspection catalogue and feature styling
  • Project dashboard showing the latest changes on the project
  • Project overview with various background maps
  • Manual inspection of the tunnel features
  • Digitise features using a pre-defined inspection catalogue
  • Turn on/off inspections layers from previous time periods
  • Visual comparison of inspections from different time periods using side-by-side and map-slide views
  • Various numerical analyses based on one or more time periods
  • Dynamic reporting with filtering options
  • Export PDF, DXF, and various statistical reports