The creation or control of your masterpieces can be assisted greatly with the scanning and BIM services Amber Infra 7D provides.

Weather is it to bring the existing in the digital world or check and document the as-built during the construction process. There is always a creative but effective solution available here at Amberg Infra 7D to support your digital processes 

The strong bond between Architects, Planers and Surveyors is not a random occurrence. The information captured from existing conditions by a surveyor are pivotal to project. Achieving accuracies and level of detail as specified by the client we create deliverables ranging starting from simple point clouds, break-lines, 2D plans up to Meshs, Orthophotos or complex BIM models and much more. Die deliverable is completely suited to your needs and very adaptable even later down the line. Whether you want us to save time and costs for you or to manage your entire project – we will provide you with a solution customized to your needs.


We are open to an easy no obligations conversation about your project. 

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Solutions & Services

Available applications and measuring systems

Digital Construction

The precise recording and modeling of already existing infrastructure forms the basis for all further phases of a project. Welcome to BIM


Amberg Geomonitoring

Amberg GeoMonitoring offers you the highest measure of safety and economy thanks to first-class service and the utilisation of innovative technology.


Geomatic Services

The range of services covers the majority of surveying tasks and encompasses everything from simple tasks to complex specialist surveying.


Inspection Services

Amberg Inspection is a comprehensive image-based tunnel inspection solution for planning, managing, capturing, and reporting on infrastructure conditions


Existing Condition Survey

Secure your evidence today 

Save yourself trouble tomorrow
